Send Me
This goes out to those whose path has taken unexpected twists and turns along the way. (This is all of us, right?)
For as long as I can remember, my heart has been bent toward desires of bravery and quests of purpose.
I have a tattoo on my foot that says "Here am I, Send me" in Hebrew. This comes from Isaiah 6:8 and is the story of Isaiah's beautiful encounter with God and the Heavenly creatures and God's invitation asking, "Who will go? Who will I send?" Without hesitation Isaiah declares that he is ready, "Send me!" Even though I know from reading further that what follows is an experience of hell on earth as Isaiah embraces God's invitation, this story has resonated in my spirit since I was a young teenager.
I always imagined this zeal and appetite for adventure would lead me to far away places, require me to leave all that is familiar behind, and lead to a magnificent and mysterious life.
In many ways, I have had to mourn and grieve my mind’s image of that life.
And, yet.
And. YET.
As I continue live in the great mystery of life, I paradoxically posture myself to say “Send Me” with a broader and deeper and simpler and more complex perspective. And, I have to say, it is pretty darn beautiful.
Send me.
Send me into the utter depths of my own humanity.
Send me into the dark places of my heart. And send me to the light places as well. It is only in this place that I truly understand the power of light overcoming darkness.
Send me to the coffee shop and the brewery and the market and the park and the street and the ball field. And my own home.
Send me to friendships and conversations with the brokenhearted , the abused, the forgotten, the misunderstood, the warriors, the sinners, the saints, the entrepreneurs, the creators, the givers, the world changers.
Send me to people and places where stories of chaos and redemption echo the Creator’s mercy and love.
Send me to silence and stillness.
Send me to peace.