Tamara Dreger

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You Can’t Go Back

This goes out to all my fellow humans who remember themselves as a little boy or a little girl singing along to love songs, imagining nothing less  than a perfect love story . . . only to have life turn out a little more Lifetime Special than Hallmark Movie.

I clearly remember my older cousins regularly goofing around and duetting a popular Love Song in the 80’s. They were SO COOL.

“A love like yours is rare

It must have been sent from up above

And I know you’ll stay this way

For always. “

As I listened to my too-cool-for-school cousins sing this song, I fell in love with this song, and I fell in love with love.

I was reminded of this song recently, and immediately added it to my Love Song Playlist, and began singing at the top of my lungs.

And then came a line that immediately made my eyes burn as I fought back a few tears.

“Come with me, my sweet

Let’s go make a family

They will bring us joy, for always.”

I never imagined anything different. A perfect love story, with a perfect family. For always.

That’s not my story.

And I can’t go back.

And, yet.

Oh. And, yet.

Somehow, all is still well. All is still good. And all is still so very, very beautiful.

You can’t go back

But, you can go from here.

And that is the most beautiful thing.

I still am in love with love songs. I still am in love with love. I still am in love with life. I am in love with my family and I am in love with joy.

You can’t go back.

But, you can go from here.

And that is the most beautiful thing.