Tamara Dreger

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Tell the Story

I am Storyteller.

I love to tell dramatic stories and sad stories and raw stories and joyful stories and failure stories and stories of hope. Stories of determination and adventure. I love to tell inspirational stories and stories that help people know that they are not alone.

I love to tell stories as they unfold, even when I don’t know the ending quite yet.

I love to tell my stories because my little stories rest assuredly within the big, cosmic story. And this is the greatest story of all . . .

It is a story of mystery that tells me I am part of something much bigger than myself and that I am loved by the Creator of the universe. What a story to tell!

It’s a story of grace

It’s a story of peace

It’s a story of mystery and meeting every need

It’s a story of love

It’s a story that makes me free

Oh, Jesus, you’re everything to me