Unleash Purpose and Peace

Stories and Life Coaching for Real Life

Life as Pulpit . . . Purpose, Peace, and Passion in Everyday Life

As I find myself tossed between the extremes of chaos and boredom in mid-life, I am drawn further and deeper into the conviction that nobody needs a podium or position for their life to speak. I'm weary of the status quo of simply checking off a box by listening to a sermon. It just doesn’t cut it as I wrestle with and celebrate the complexity of my own humanity. It just doesn’t cut it for all of humanity that is designed for community and relationship. It seems that creation is groaning for something more personal and meaningful, for purpose and peace. It is this stirring in me that has led me to seek to live "Life as Pulpit" and invite others to join in.

Most Recent Post - You Can’t Go Back

This goes out to all my fellow humans who remember themselves as a little boy or a little girl singing along to love songs, imagining nothing less  than a perfect love story . . . only to have life turn out a little more Lifetime Special than Hallmark Movie.

What if purpose and peace is possible?



my life has purpose regardless of positions I hold or recognition I receive? 


my relationships do not determine my worth? 


I can live everyday with purpose and peace and find meaning in the mundane, mistakes, mischief, and messiness of everyday life?  Do you want to discover purpose and peace in your everyday life every day for the rest of your life?

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It’s time to get unstuck and get unleashed!

Hi! I'm Tam and I am passionate about walking alongside people from all walks to life to help them end emptiness and insignificance and unleash the power of purpose and peace in everyday life. 

I was stuck. I was always second. For far too many years I operated within the false narrative that I need to be in first place in order to be happy, healthy, successful and live my best life. I allowed the lie that I am good at many things but great at nothing define my life for too long. For a perfectionist, overachiever, and person of faith, this lie propelled me into cycles of shame and discontent. It impacted every aspect of my life-- relationships, physical and emotional health, career, spiritual growth, and my daily perspective on life. Not anymore, my friend!

Becoming unstuck and unleashing purpose and peace is an amazing adventure of discovery. I believe that every person is able to unlock this in their life!