About Tamara


Hello, my friend! I'm Tamara... but you can call me Tam.

As a 40-something, I am choosing to call my mid-life crisis a mid-life awakening. Iā€™m muddling through the messiness and uncertainty of life searching for deeper purpose and connection. And it is a great adventure!

I am passionate about many things and sometimes irreverent. My four kids usually think I'm super weird, but they know that I love them. I could live on giant cups of coffee, craft beer, chips and salsa, red wine, netflix, love songs, and sushi. I'm a closet musician, except on karaoke night, and write songs about life and love using the 6 chords that I know. I'm obsessed with continuing my education, I love to laugh until I cry, and the ocean restores my soul. I am magnificently skilled at sitting in front of the fire or on the back porch and doing absolutely nothing for hours.

I am passionate about walking alongside people from all walks to life to help them end emptiness and insignificance and unleash the power of purpose and peace in everyday life. This passion propelled me to launch  Purpose and Peace Life Coaching with Tam.

For most of my life I have been stuck in the expectations of religiosity and legalism. Life was black and white and if I drew outside the lines, I beat myself for it. 

Spiritual breakthrough and life changes began to open my eyes, heart, and mind to ways of living that are defined by freedom, grace, purpose, and peace - rather than the lies I had been allowing to define and drive my life. I started to ditch the black and white in favor of the gray space, pray for the filth of religiosity to be washed off of me, and dream new dreams. I began to believe that purpose, peace, joy, and happiness is possible. I began to ask new questions and embrace life changing answers.

My personal journey of breaking free from the chains of religiosity and embracing spiritual freedom has given greater purpose and peace than I ever dreamed possible. I have faced shattered dreams, the pain of divorce, broken relationships, and vocational uncertainty. The challenges and victories of life continue to shape me and I have found the power of purpose and peace unleashed in my daily life as I live "Life as Pulpit". You can read more about what that means here. 

I seek to live this out and capture these moments through my blog and  YouTube channel . I hope you will join the  Life as Pulpit Community  and share your own stories and I'd love to walk alongside you as you unleash the power of purpose and peace in your own life.