Love Body Blows

This morning I had a few moments to sit in quietness. As has been my habit and focus, my spirit vied for peace.

Great Spirit, speak to my spirit.

It’s not about what I want to hear or about what I want to say or ask for or write. It is about what I need. I often don’t know what I need.

And so, Great Spirit, speak to my spirit.

Immediately, I was overcome by Love.

It all comes back to Love.

Divine Love.

The love of God that is unshakeable and unmovable.

This is the Love I desire and long for.

A love that is deeply rooted in my core that has branches of love that run throughout my veins. Union and oneness.

It all comes back to love.

Divine love.

The love of the Creator rushing through my blood as the water of life.

I don’t pretend to understand it, but I somehow Know . . . Nothing can separate from such a love.

Divine Union.

I don’t pretend to understand it, but,

This is the Union my spirit longs for . . . God not just in my heart or guiding my thoughts. Complete oneness.

This is a great mystery. “God is both utterly beyond me and yet totally within me at the same time.” -Richard Rohr

This is the place of peace.

This is not a love that will let me down.

It is not a love that manipulates or controls or plays on fears and insecurities.

It is not a love of empty promises or lack of follow through.

This is the love that God offers. Richard Rohr describes this as “full body blows of the Divine loving (us).” Anything less than this leaves our spirits wanting and disappointed. We have to release ourselves to receive such a mysterious Love that reaches beyond our experiences and limited human capacity.

I want full body blows of Divine Love.

Without allowing myself to receive and transcend into acceptance of the radical love and absolute union with God, Love is incomplete.

Be willing to go beyond. Beyond religion and restraint.

Enter in.

To Love.


Liquid Words


It is Well with To Be Weller