Pull Out the Sword, Part Two

Songs that Speak . . .

John 5:1-14

Pull Out the Sword with Wonderful Peace

Pull out the Sword

And be restored

The pain that’s penetrated you

Now is recreating you

Plunged deep into the darkest night

Released into a hopeful light

Pull out the sword

And be restored

Be at ease

Be at peace

Be free

I hear a gentle voice calling out to me

“Do you want to be well?

Do you want to be free?”

The doubts inside my mind are so crippling

But, yes! I want to be well

Yes, I want to be free

And that gentle voice says it’s up to me

Just pull out the sword

And be restored

The pain that’s penetrated you

Now is recreating you

Plunged deep into the darkest night

Released into a hopeful light

Pull out the sword

And be restored

Be at ease

Be at peace

Be free

Peace, peace, wonderful peace

Coming down from the Father above

Sweep over my spirit, forever I pray

In fathomless billows of love

Be at ease

Be at peace

Be free


The More and the Mystery


Pull Out the Sword, Part One