As I commit and surrender to the journey of truly seeing, I realize that it is a somewhat unsettled journey of unlearning and learning and unlearning and learning again.

The great unlearning will never be settled, and yet I am realizing that this is perhaps the greatest space of true freedom. It is a place where we stop taking ourselves so seriously. It is a place where the answers don’t really matter. It is a place where the goal of traditional knowledge is replaced by simple discovery and listening. It is a place where we look within ourselves and beyond ourselves. This unsettled space of unlearning and not knowing . . . It is a place of peace.

Interestingly, I believe that to surrender to not knowing is actually to truly Know.

Have I lost you yet? If I have not already, I may be about to . . .

I want to Know. I want to Know the Creator and the Gospel and the Kingdom of Peace and Power in my core. I want the intimacy with such mysterious things to be gut wrenching and life-birthing.

The Gospel, perhaps, cannot be narrowed down to a four or five-fold set of beliefs. Perhaps the gospel is mystery and power. Perhaps It is a Kingdom that is presently among us . . . A reality that we cannot quite see with our human eyes and yet exists as the realist reality our soul can Know.

“It is time for the realm of God’s kingdom to be experienced in its fullness! Turn your lives back to God and put your trust in the hope-filled gospel!” Mark 1:15 (Jesus)

Put your trust in the hope-filled gospel . . . The gospel of life abundant and peace, where this unseen Kingdom can be experienced.

Perhaps God’s spirit has been poured out on us since Jesus announced this unseen Kingdom power and far too many of us have continued to lean on our own understanding for two thousand years. Perhaps? No. For certain.

“I will pour out my spirit on all people; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. I will even pour my spirit out on my servants in those days, both men and women, and they will prophesy. I will display wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below.” Acts 2:17-19

Don’t get hung up on the word ‘will.’ Prophecy is proclamation of truth that is among us now . . . If only we have eyes to see and can cast aside what we think we know so that we can truly Know.

Perhaps, scripture and tradition does not tell us all we need to know. Could the Creator God still be speaking and moving and calling?

Have the courage to listen. Listen and See and Know.

“The realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth and passionate people have taken hold of its power.” Matthew 11:12


I’m Listening with Speak to My Heart


Open My Eyes that I May See